A Proper Rebuild
Tonight we begin our study through the books of Ezra & Nehemiah. In these books we are given the accounts of the Jews return from Babylonian exile to Jerusalem. The Jewish people are returning to rebuild their lives as the people of God. As they move away from Babylon (wickedness) and return to Jerusalem (holiness), we see a people being called to rebuild themselves into a holy and distinct people. Through this series we will see how we are called to be distinct people, pursuing holiness in the midst of a wicked world.
In tonight’s text, Ezra 1:1-11, we find the beginning of the Jews’ return. We see what will be foundational to them as they seek to be the people God has called them to be. If we long to stand courageously for the truth of God in the midst of a world that opposes it we have much to learn from the first chapter of Ezra. Join us as we begin this exciting new series.