Posts in Christian Living
The 2020 Survey Says...

I hope these testimonies, which come from a four question survey sent out earlier in the year, inspire you and bless you as we keep walking forward, ever upheld by God’s grace…

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Stubborn Hope and Soft Rescues

The challenge is not just to believe in the eventual salvation promised to us when we die, but in the ways God personally rescues us now. Our struggles in this life are a set-up: a stage carefully set to display God’s delivering power to the rubber-necking world around us. This has always been how God proves His presence and reality to the outside world: through the contrast that occurs when frail mortals carry immortal blessing within them…

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God Creates Life For A Reason

In our present culture, we’ve lost that basic truth: every life is made and is allowed to live by God’s sovereign authority. One of our main purposes in life is to allow God to create new life from us, through children, God willing…

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I Have Hidden Your Word In My Heart

Graciously, the Lord intervened. He impressed upon me to memorize Psalm 23. Once I had done so, I would recite that psalm numerous times each night until I remembered who I was in comparison to both the world and my Lord. The world may be a scary and imposing place at points but if I remember that I am a sheep and the Lord my Shepherd then it’s of no real concern to me…

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Yet in the midst of suffering’s pain, God has provided us with an anchor, a cornerstone, and a refuge named Jesus. And this Jesus not only knows suffering, but cares to know ours. And not only know our suffering, but redeem it for His glory and our blessing…

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