Posts in Christian Living
New Year, Same Gospel

Our culture would have us believe that which is “old” is boring, lifeless, unreliable, and no longer relevant to our current needs.  If our needs change, then of course it stands to reason that we need new things to meet them. But I would argue our most essential needs haven’t changed.  As those who bear the name of Jesus Christ, we should be skeptical of the “new” particularly as it relates to God’s Word and the life that God has called us to live…

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The Action and Submission of Faith

Jesus gives us a different example: a life of obedience to God the Father.  He lived a life of both action and submission. He performed miracles and took the initiative to challenge false views of God, all while making it clear that He was submitted to the will of the Father…

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Loving God With Our Minds

I was a lazy Christian, neglecting my mind, and in serious danger of loving a god of my imagination, rather than God as He has revealed Himself through the Bible. Without any real direction on Bible study, I continued this mindless path until I came to the Village Community Church (VCC). At VCC, I have found that knowing God as He has revealed Himself in Scripture is the fuel of my affection for Him…

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Why We Must Suffer

Where the glory of God is shown there lies joy and satisfaction for Christians. My task and pleasure in this short time is to move you closer to being convinced of the same. I long for you to see in the pages of scripture what I have, mainly, that God has chosen to shape his people using the chisel of suffering…

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Remembering Home

Home is a place of residence, origin, permanence, stability. Home is a place of welcome and warmth, feasting and fellowship. Home is brimming with truth, beauty, safety. It’s a place for which we long, however do not truly know…

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