Posts tagged Evangelism
The Action and Submission of Faith

Jesus gives us a different example: a life of obedience to God the Father.  He lived a life of both action and submission. He performed miracles and took the initiative to challenge false views of God, all while making it clear that He was submitted to the will of the Father…

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The God Who Reveals: Part One

This past week some of the staff at the Village Community Church took the opportunity to head down to Louisville to join with other pastors for gospel focused edification at the Together for the Gospel conference.  The three-day conference would supply us with many things, but the common takeaway was a renewed call to evangelism. We were deeply convicted with the realization that in different forms we had all allowed life, fear, or sin to distract us and lessen our hearts desire to see the lost saved.  This has led me to write and share the encouragement given to me and to remind us of our Christian duty.

This conversation, a series of posts, finds it origins in God, the sovereign One who reaches down to reveal himself to sinful men.  We see this...

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