Posts tagged Exodus
The Lord is Our Banner

The Israelites were hungry, homeless, and weary, and the Amalekite army sought to take advantage of their circumstances.  But God would protect them from this enemy…

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A Mouth Endued By God

This particular exchange in the book of Exodus gave me time to reflect on how far I have come in depending on the Lord to “be with my mouth” and truly believe that He is capable of doing so…

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Jochebed For God's Glory

Not mentioned by name much in the Bible, besides recalling her lineage and familial connections, what can be learned from Jochebed’s faithful life brings a deep-seeded honor to a far greater name. Jochebed, meaning in the Hebrew language “God’s Glory,” is a true testament to the proclamations of God and the hand He has in the lives of those He so truly calls…

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