The Importance of Biblically Disciplining Children


Years ago, I found myself in a place where I desired to challenge my views on marriage and family. I realized that I wanted a biblical understanding of what I believed to be true. God birthed in me a strong desire for marriage and a family, so I looked to see what Scripture had to say about these things. I decided to search Scripture and theological literature and teachings from trusted theologians to test what I believed to be true about marriage, family and parenting. 

The video below, from pastor and teacher Voddie Baucham, has blessed me over the years and it’s titled “The Importance of Biblically Disciplining Children”. In this video, Baucham discusses discipleship, disciplining, training and educating children using the Bible. This video has helped shape my understanding and overall view of biblical parenting.  I learned the importance of consistent discipline even when I don't feel like it, and the importance of my role and primary purpose in raising a child. My hope and prayer is that after listening to this, it will bless you just as it did for me, and challenge you to pursue godly living in every area of your life, especially the areas of marriage, family, and disciplining children.