Announcements - Week of February 21st


Week of February 21st, 2016


Guys’ Night Out

Beginning in March we are going to have a monthly Guys’ Night Out for all guys at The Village Church.  On the 3rd Friday of each month we will have a night designed especially for the men at The Village Church by the men at The Village Church.  We will have men at The Village sign-up for a month and then it will be there job to plan/design/coordinate an activity for the men of the church.  We want folks to plan something that they think all of the men at The Village would enjoy and would be effective at building community among the men at the church.  It can be something that’s free or something that costs money, at your house or somewhere else here in town, the options are endless and we hope that each guy will bring their own unique touch to their guys’ night.  Our first guys’ night will be Friday, March 18th and will be planned by Chris Boggs.  He will be getting info out soon as to what that night will entail.  There will also be a sign-up on the Connect Table at church for guys to sign-up for the remaining months of the year.  Our hope is that this proves to be a great way to build brotherhood among the men at The Village, so we hope all of you guys will participate and are excited about this new opportunity.     



As a church we are looking to bring two of our Cuban brothers from our sister church in Matanzas to Columbus this year.  We are hoping to bring Yeremi & Rodolfo, both leaders in the Matanzas church, here to bless and encourage us through teaching and testimony.  This will also be a great opportunity to bless and encourage them through fellowship and allowing them to share in the ministry here at The Village. The first step of this process is securing the interviews in Cuba to get their American visas. Thank you all for helping us raise the necessary funds to schedule their interviews with the US Embassy.  UPDATE: We now have the dates for Rodolfo & Yeremi’s interviews, which will be Monday, February 29th.  Please be praying that their interviews go well and that they are both approved for travel to the Unite States. 


The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference

From June 16-18, 2016 The Gospel Coalition will be holding their third National Women’s Conference in Indianapolis, IN.  This is a conference specifically designed for women to gather together around The Word of God sharing study, fellowship and encouragement.  The theme of their conference next year is “Resurrection Life In A World of Suffering,” as the main sessions will be studying the book of 1 Peter.  Great teachers like John Piper, Tim Keller, Nancy Guthrie, Jen Wilkin, Kathy Keller & D.A. Carson will be speaking.  We would love to send a group of women from the church to this conference as we think it would be a great opportunity for you to spend a few days together learning and studying God’s Word together and experiencing great fellowship with one another.  There are currently five women from the church who are attending and we would love to have several more join them.  There is a sign-up sheet on the Connect Table if you’re interested.  If you are interested in going or have any questions please talk to Zack.    



Music is a significant part of our worship gathering each week and we want you to be as involved and familiar as possible with our music.  To that end we have created three public playlists on Spotify to help you familiarize yourself with our weekly music as well as provide your own input on what we sing.  If you go to our blog you can click on each of these three playlists and subscribe.  The first playlist is our “Village This Week” playlist and it will list the songs we are singing in our next weekly gathering.  The second playlist is our “Village Archives” playlist and it has all the songs we’ve ever sung at The Village.  The third playlist is our “Village Potentials” playlist and is a playlist designed for you to add songs you’d like us to sing at The Village.  We hope that you’ll subscribe to all three playlists and help invest in the music ministry of The Village Church. 



March 12th will be our next Village Kids’ KABOOM!  This will be another great time of our kids coming together to learn about Jesus through a Bible lesson, small groups, craft, games, music and more.  KABOOM! is for kids age 3 through the 5th grade.  There will also be a lunch for everyone who comes.  KABOOM! is a great opportunity for the kids of our church to build community and grow in their own understanding of Jesus.  KABOOM! also exists as an outreach to kids in our neighborhood, so if you know of any kids who would like to come please invite them.  KABOOM! is free for everyone and we will offer transportation to and from KABOOM! as well.  There will be a sign-up soon of supplies and volunteers that we’ll need for the January KABOOM!. If you have any questions please talk to Michael, Jamie, Ian, Karey or Shawn.   


Prayer @ 9

On March 5th we will have our next Prayer @ 9 gathering.  Prayer @ 9 is a time for us to come together as a church family before the throne of our great God.  We believe that God not only commands us to pray, but that He tells us that our prayers are a powerful means of grace.  We invite to come and prayer with us for one another, our church, our city and those things going on around the globe as we come together to thank and petition our God together as a church family.  Prayer @ 9 always meets at 9:00 a.m. at the church on an every-other-week rotation. 


Amazon Smile

We know that many of you shop on Amazon, so we’d like to let you know about an easy way to raise some money for the church.  We have recently setup an Amazon Smile account, which means that if you select The Village Church as your charity of choice on Amazon then each time you make a purchase through Amazon they will donate .5% of your total purchase price back to our church.  If you go to you can select our church as the charity you would like to support.  Once you have done this you just shop on Amazon, as you normally would, just now through the page.  This donation applies to almost anything that you would ever buy through Amazon, so this is a great way to get amazing deals through Amazon and support our church at the same time.  



February 22nd - Village Academy: Christian Doctrine, 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. @ the church

February 29th – THIRST! for women @ 8:00 p.m. @ Cheryl Entwistle’s home

March 5th – Prayer @ 9: Prayer gathering @ the church, 9:00 a.m.

March 12th - Village Kids KABOOM!, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.\

March 18th – Village Guys’ Night Out, details to come

Zack RuderComment