Posts in The Village Church
The Wicket Gate Podcast: Soteriology II- Ordo Salutis

In this episode the guys are joined by “Tricky Trav “ to have a conversation about the Ordo Salutis. The scriptures below have helped to frame their conversation. Their hope is that you would be blessed by thinking through the outworking of Gods redemptive plan.

2 Thess 2:13, Eph 1:3-4, Rom 10:14-15, John 3:3-8 , James 1:18, 1 Pet 1:23, Rom 5:1-10, Rom 8:15, 1 Thes 5:23-24, 1 John 2:19, 1 Corinth 15:12-14, Rom 8:23-25

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The Wicket Gate Podcast: Soteriology

Late much…….. This episode was recorded back in March and is just now hitting the air waves. Though some of the quips may be out of date the meat of the conversation is still timely. In this episode the guys outline a new series focusing on Soteriology.

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The 2020 Survey Says...

I hope these testimonies, which come from a four question survey sent out earlier in the year, inspire you and bless you as we keep walking forward, ever upheld by God’s grace…

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The Wicket Gate Podcast: Fighting For Faithfulness II

In this episode Mike sits down with three women who have learned to fight to fight for faithfulness through the loss of children and barrenness . Their conversation is framed by the book of Job and their common experience.

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The Wicket Gate Podcast: Fighting For Faithfulness

In this episode Michael and Zack continue to talk about the difficult conversation Christians have been having throughout 2020. They encourage you to spend some time reading from the biblical sources below…

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