Posts in Christian Living
Fighting the Battle Against Sin

In reading these Scriptures and excerpts, we (hopefully) cannot help but ask ourselves questions like:  What area of your life are you not handing over to God (like the rich ruler)? What idols and/or sin are you allowing to remain and slowly infiltrate your habits and ideas (like the nations surrounding the Promised Land)?…

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Making Friends in the Middle of the Post-COVID “Friendship Recession”

But deep down I knew God does not play cruel jokes. He had us read Butterfield’s book as a church for a purpose: because the world was about to suffer in ways it had never suffered before, at least on a global scale. Human connection was about to come under severe attack and God was prepping us to handle the aftermath…

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Tools For the Journey

Alec Motyer was an Irish biblical scholar and pastor who died in 2016 at the ripe old age of 92. He wrote a number of books that have been instrumental in helping to solidify the intellectual foundation of my faith…

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The God Who Hears Us Before We Speak

Yet though Gabriel came specifically to answer Daniel’s pleas, it wasn’t the outward work he put into this prayer time that triggered the appearance of an angelic messenger. It was simply God’s loving favor and attention toward Daniel that caused God to hear him, and hear him fast…

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The Discipline of Solitude

As seen in His temptation in the wilderness, His retreating into prayer alone with the Father, or His pleading before God in Gethsemane, Jesus committed Himself to private, undistracted time with God…

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