Posts in Christian Living
A Portrait of Repentance

Just as what Simon's dinner guests see, hear, and smell draws their attention to this woman (and the one she's bowing before), the telling of this account draws each reader's attention to her behavior in response to Christ.  Luke’s narrative points to a woman’s act of repentance, demonstrated through her learning, humbling, weeping, and ultimately worshiping of Jesus…

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Financial Peace University

Everyone is raised with different ideas about money—what to do (and not to do) when it comes to earning, spending, saving, and giving it. Money can be a sensitive topic, uncomfortable—or even taboo—to discuss with our family, peers, and church family. Even such, it is a topic we should discuss, teaching and encouraging each other to follow what God teaches about personal finance, stewardship of His resources, and giving generously…

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Suffering For Our Neighbors' Good

It is saying that our infinitely good and powerful God has sovereignly allowed us to suffer persecution, difficulties, and affliction in order to display to everyone who knows us and sees our circumstances that He is our greatest life-giving treasure…

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Exile From Idolatry

To submit to becoming an exile and leaving your identity is painful, but to those Israelites who did so, it meant life and per Jeremiah 29, God was clearly with them in their exile. He had plans for their best to the benefit of everyone around them. It was a turning point for the nation of Israel…

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Certainty In An Age of Fear

While this anxiety about a global pandemic is justifiable, it also highlights the tensions that simmer under the surface of our everyday life. Our culture is desperate for certainty, security and control. For many, this time has highlighted an uncomfortable truth, that we are decidedly not in control of our lives…

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