Mission and Community

After spending time in tightly knit Christian communities that thrived because of their love for each other and their welcoming atmosphere I became concerned that we desired simple friendships more than we desired to live as community on a mission to proclaim the Gospel. While these communities seemed healthy on the outside...

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Michael Carlisle Comment
On Staying, for better or worse

If anything characterized the first 6 years of my adult life it was change. Movement was a rhythm of sorts, as sure as the changing seasons. Each fall and summer of my college days, I would pack my little Honda Accord so full of stuff I couldn’t see out the passenger side window and made the trek from Ohio to Michigan. Each new year brought with it fresh scenery, new roommates, unfamiliar classes, a different way to rearrange the bunk beds.

After graduating, I moved from the small town I'd called home my whole life to a tiny apartment in the big city. And then there was that other teensy bit of a life change called marriage...

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Zack Ruder Comments
Not So Silent Night

I've been doing all I'm supposed to do to get ready for the holiday season this year. I've been buying gifts, cleaning house, stringing lights, listening to Christmas music.

But somehow I've felt disconnected, removed from the glimmer and cheer of the season. Maybe it's because I see so many people struggling just to put a simple meal on the table. Or because I know friends that are dealing with deep wounds and losses this holiday season...

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Zack RuderChristmas, JesusComment
Radical Community
Great New Resource
Zack RuderComment